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Twitch - Follower-related Endpoints - August 2023

This is an archived post from August 2023, originally posted on GitHub Gist.

I should've mentioned this when I first saw the original announcement, but I suppose now is better than never.

As announced on the Twitch developer forums, at September 6, 2023 5:00:00 PM UTC Twitch will begin the process of shutting down the now deprecated "Get User Follows" API endpoint.

This will affect the following DecAPI endpoints:

It would technically also affect the "followcount" API, but I plan on migrating that to their new API endpoint, so that should keep working as-is.

As for the other 4 endpoints listed above, please consider them to be deprecated in the short-term. Primarily 2 reasons for this:

  1. As I've stated in the past, I don't like having to deal with tokens (such as what subcount/subpoints require), which is now going to be required to retrieve the "follower relationship" between a channel and a user in the new API. The follower count of a channel does not require any authentication, so that should be fine as mentioned earlier.
  2. While DecAPI currently has support for authentication (subcount/subpoints), the implementation wasn't designed to support different sets of authentication permissions. I really want to revamp that whole system before I even attempt to tackle support of follower APIs and subscriber APIs side-by-side.

Even if I do decide to re-implement follower APIs, I plan on dropping both /twitch/followers (list of a channel's followers) and /twitch/following (list of channels the specified user is currently following - requires a separate authentication permission anyway) indefinitely. My focus would then be primarily /twitch/followed (the date & date when a specific user followed a specific channel) and /twitch/followage (how long since a specific user followed a specific channel), but once again this isn't going to be something I do short-term.