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Work in progress

This documentation page is currently work in progress.
Not all existing DecAPI endpoints are documented here yet. For the currently active documentation, please visit

Displays the time difference between two timestamps

Gives you a human-readable time difference between two specified timestamps.
Timestamps can be in any format that PHP's strtotime() function can understand.
If you wish to specify a timezone, please include that in the timestamp itself. My recommendation is to follow the ISO 8601 standard. Example: /misc/time-difference?first=2022-10-31T13:37:06+02:00

Supports localization! Example time in German: /misc/time-difference?first=2022-10-31T13:37:06%2B02:00&lang=de

Endpoint URL

Query parameters

  • first - Required - The first timestamp to calculate from.
  • second - Optional - The second timestamp to calculate to. If not specified, the current time will be used.
  • lang - Optional - The language to localize the output to.


Examples for bots


Note: Nightbot will automatically convert variables, such as $(channel) or $(touser) to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.


Note: Fossabot will automatically convert variables, such as $(channel) or $(user.login) to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.


Note: StreamElements will automatically convert variables, such as ${channel} or ${touser} to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.

Streamlabs Chat Bot

Note: Streamlabs Chat Bot will automatically convert variables, such as $mychannel or $touserid to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.

Streamlabs Cloudbot

Note: Streamlabs Cloudbot will automatically convert variables, such as {} or {} to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.


Note: Deepbot will automatically convert variables, such as @stream@ or @user@ to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.


Note: PhantomBot will automatically convert variables, such as (channelname) or (touser) to the correct channel name / username, when the command is used.
You do not have to change those variables.